Thursday 9 May 2019


Who Invented Plastic?
Leo Hendrik Baekeland invented Plastic in 1907.

What is Plastic?
Plastic is material consisting of any of a wide range of synthetic or semi-synthetic organic compounds that are malleable and so can be molded into solid objects.

What are the uses of Plastic?
Plastic is used for a lot of things in today’s world. It is used for Water Bottles , Shopping Bags, Cutlery, Containers and many more. Plastic is even used in our today’s Electronics.
There’s even a popular saying that “If Plastic wasn’t
Invented, we would be Living in the 1850s”.

Why do we use Plastic?
We use Plastic because it’s easy to make, it’s cheap, it keeps food fresh and most of all because it is disposable.
The use of Disposable or Single Use Plastic is absurdly overused in our world and is polluting our Precious Planet.

Is Plastic Polluting our Planet?
Yes. Plastic is polluting our Planet mostly in the oceans. The use of Plastic is so much that we are running out of space to dump them, so there’s only one more place that humans finding to dump its Plastic is the ocean. Also, because Plastic doesn’t rot away so it’s continuing to pollute our oceans. The Ocean Conservancy predicts that there will be more Plastic in our oceans that fish by the year 2050 and scientists say that 8 million metric tons of plastic end up each year in our oceans, to put that into perspective, that’s roughly a garbage truck dumping Plastic into the sea every minute.

Should we still use Plastic?
Yes. Because some Multi - Use is fine like Milk Cans and Stands.