Wednesday 13 June 2018

Information of Sea Shells

Sea Shells 

A shell, is a hard, protective outer layer created by an animal that lives in the sea.
The shell is part of the body of the animal.
 Empty seashells are often found washed up on beaches by beachcombers.
 The shells are empty because the animal has died and the soft parts have been
  eaten by another animal or have rotted out.
Seashells have been used by humans for many
 different purposes throughout history and pre-history.
 However, seashells are not the only kind of shells; in various habitats, there
 are shells from freshwater animals such as freshwater mussels
 and freshwater snails, and shells of land snails.

There are 1000s of types of sea shells of every kind, shape and size.

Some Types Of Sea Shells     

1. Melampus  2. Florida Cone Shell  3. Cerith  4. Auger  5. True Tulip
6. Banded Tulip  7. Worm Shell  8. Modulus  9. Pear Whelk  10.Crown Conch
11. horn Shell  12. Bubble Shell  13. Gaudy Natica  14. Shark's Eye  15. Slipper Shells  
16. Nutmeg  17. Fighting Conch  18. Juvenile Conch  19. Cantharus  20.Lightning Whelk 
21. lettered Olive  22. Florida Horse Conchs  23. Apple Murex  24. Alphabet Cone
25. Jujube Top - Shell  26. Sozons Cone  27. Atlantic Bubble  28. Scotch Bonnet  

I will Post Some Of Them Later........

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